Stage Analysis Video Training Course

Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis and Market Breadth - Technical Analysis - Page 232

NYSE New Highs New Lows Charts

Attached is the NYSE New Highs / New Lows charts.



Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

Nasdaq Market Breadth Update

The Nasdaq Bullish Percent Index


Nasdaq Percentage of Stocks above their 200 Day, 150 Day and 50 Day Moving Averages P&F charts


Nasdaq Percentage of Stocks above their 200 Day, 150 Day and 50 Day Moving Averages line charts


Nasdaq Advance Decline Line


Nasdaq New Highs New Lows



Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

S&P 1500 Cumulative P&F Breakouts - Breakdowns charts

Attached is the up to date S&P 1500 Cumulative P&F Breakouts - Breakdowns charts

Note: The highest level for the 10 day MA in the last two years.



Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

RE: Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis

(2016-02-27, 01:29 AM)isatrader Wrote: Note: The highest level for the 10 day MA in the last two years.
Hmm, is that a bull trap or are we getting hints of a change in direction?

RE: Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis

(2016-02-27, 12:26 PM)pcabc Wrote: Hmm, is that a bull trap or are we getting hints of a change in direction?

Read the post on the previous page:

Breadth is suggestive that we've put in a significant low imo. So have changed my stages rating to Stage 4B-, which is that we could have now seen the low for the cycle. It's a very tentative stage, and could easily reverse lower again and continue in Stage 4. But the breadth is giving multiple bull signals, and some of them are from the strongest position. So, although we are months and months off being in a potential position for doing anything for the investor method. The short term traders could initiate some cautious test buys in potential new leaders with the strongest patterns, as even if it's just another swing low in the Stage 4 downtrend, with the amount of positive breadth changes, theres a chance that it could be many months until the next down move imo. But there's also the chance that the bottom is in. No one ever knows until there's confirmation, but the breadth suggests some sort of low imo. So I'd give it a longer term neutral rating currrently and short term bull alert status. But expect volatility in either dirtection, as it's a volatile stage.


Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

Effective Volume Charts - $SPY $QQQ $IWM

Attached is the Effective Volume breadth charts that can be found at:

Here's what the site says about how to interpret them:

"The Effective Volume analysis on ETF may not be interpreted the same way as it is done for stocks. Indeed, it is not because large players buy for of a given ETF that its value is due to increase.

The value of an ETF is mainly dependent on the value of the underlying index it is tracking. Therefore, usually, the Effective Volume analysis will closely follow the price trend of the ETF. When they diverge, it means that large players are entering into speculation regarding to the future direction of the ETF.

It does not mean that they are correct in their speculation. Large players may just be entering hedges against other positions that may have been taken."



Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

US Sector Breadth

Below is the Percent of Stocks Above their 150 Day Moving Average visual diagram of the 9 sectors and the two major exchanges that make up the sectors that shows a snapshot of the overall health of the US market and the data table of the sectors which is ordered by overall health.

Note: the overall US sector average is at 37.35%, which is around 11% higher than last snapshot back in early January. So it is still in the lower range, but it is improving.



Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

RE: Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis

Market breadth




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