US Industry Sectors Breadth
Below is the data table for the Percent of Stocks Above 150 Day Moving Average in each sector which I've ordered by relative strength, with the highest to the lowest percentage in each sector. Also attached is the visual diagram of the 9 sectors and the NYSE Percentage of Stocks above their 150 day Moving Averages line chart.
It's been six weeks since I last did the sector breadth and as you can see there's been a notable deterioration across the board since then, with the majority of sectors in the 40% zone (43.60% is the average of all the sectors), and so the US is clearly in Stage 3 under the surface, but the large cap indexes are still near to their highs due to the large caps out performance. Whether this turns into a full Stage 4 decline is unknown, but the US market is certainly at a critical point at the moment and so is going to be an interesting start to October.
Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.