US Stocks Watchlist – 9 May 2024

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There were 23 stocks highlighted from the US stocks watchlist scans today

CLSK, HL, ODD + 20 more...

Market Breadth: S&P Composite 1500 Moving Average Breadth

  • 71.67% > 200 day MA (Long-term)
  • 72.33% > 150 day MA (Medium-term)
  • 61.07% > 50 day MA (Short-term)
  • 74.33% > 20 day MA (Very Short-term)

Combined Average: 69.85% (Strong)

US Stocks Screener Updated

You may have noticed over the last week further updates to the US Stocks Screener page, as I've been busy adding to the initial filters, to make it easier to focus on the areas that you are interested in. The current filters are:

  • Search – Type the symbol or any of the letters from the table like the name or the sub-industry name
  • Index – (added today) which allows you to filter by the major US market indexes
  • Sector – the 11 GICS Sectors
  • Sub-industry – the 163 GICS sub-industries (159 currently until more stocks are loaded)
  • SATA Score – Filter by Strong, Neutral and Weak Scores, or by the exact score. i.e. 10
  • Mansfield RS – Filter by Positive RS or Negative RS

These are just the beginning for these filters, which will continue to expand in the coming months and will include many more complex filters specific to the Stage Analysis method and be unique to the website.

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Disclaimer: For educational purpose only. Not investment advice. Seek professional advice from a financial advisor before making any investing decisions.