
US Stocks Watchlist

Finding stocks with the best potential can be difficult. For many years now I've created the US Stocks Watchlist to try and find the stocks that meet the Stage Analysis method criteria and that are near to potential entry points in the coming days, weeks or months. i.e they may be in late Stage 1 developing a Wyckoff Spring or breaking out in early Stage 2 on strong relative volume, or tightening up with Volatility Contraction Pattern (VCP) characteristics in a re-accumulation base after having a strong Stage 2 advance.

Disclaimer: This is not a stock alerts service. We won’t tell you what stocks to buy or sell. But if you follow the watchlist it may give you ideas for your own trades and save you countless hours, by giving you a more refined starting point for your own stock research.

To see all the watchlist posts and other premium content, such as regular detailed videos and exclusive Stage Analysis tools, become a member

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Watchlist Top 30 Relative Strength Leaders Per Group

With the Fed rate decision tomorrow, I thought it would interesting, as well as useful, to do a different type of post instead of the normal watchlist, that highlights 30 of the leading stocks using their Relative Strength (RS) score*, that have appeared in the watchlist since the beginning of August. But on a per group basis. So that there is one one result per group, to give us a broader view than just doing it on the RS score alone...
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US Stocks Watchlist – 15 September 2022

Many individual stocks continue to show strong relative strength versus the market action and have continued on with the development of Stage 1 bases, and an increasing number of stocks have been moving into early Stage 2. However, many "setups" as people like to call them have become broken, with large shakeouts and breakdowns of patterns in many areas also...
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