Stage Analysis Video Training Course

Resources - Page 1



The purpose of this thread will be to post useful resources relating to Stage Analysis, Wyckoff, CAN SLIM etc to help people to get up and running with the various trading styles that I use in the Stage Analysis - Members service.


Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis Method

Stage Analysis – The Four Stages

Examples of each of the Four Stages to help you learn Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis method.

Which will help you understand what I'm referring to in my posts.


Stage 1 – Basing Phase

Stage 1A – Start of a base. Needs much more time.
Stage 1 – Basing Phase. May begin accumulation.
Stage 1B – Late in base-building phase. Watch for breakout.


Stage 2 – Advancing Stage

Stage 2A – Early in uptrend stage. Ideal time to buy aggressively.
Stage 2 – Advancing Stage.
Stage 2B – Getting late in uptrend.


Stage 3 – Top Area

Stage 3A – Looks as if a top is starting to form. Be sure to protect holdings with a close stop.
Stage 3 – The Top Area. Start to reduce positions.
Stage 3B – Has become increasingly toppy. Use rallies for at least partial selling


Stage 4 – Declining Stage

Stage 4A – Stock has entered Downtrend Stage. Close out remaining positions.
Stage 4 – The Declining Stage. Avoid on the long side.
Stage 4B – Late in downtrend. Much too soon to consider buying


Stage Analysis Book

Above was a brief overview of the four stages. But for those that want to go into much more detail and learn the entire method which is much more than just Stages then I first recommend that you read Stan Weinstein's classic book on Stage Analysis, which you can get on Amazon here:

Link: Stan Weinstein's Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets


Stage Analysis Video Course

And once you've read the book, as a follow up I created a short 3.5 hour course on Udemy to go into some of the concepts from the book in more detail. Don't pay full price though, as I can create a certain amount of discount codes each month on Udemy, although they do lots of regular discounts anyway. So you might not need it. But if you do need a discount code then DM me on the private twitter channel.

Link: Learn Stage Analysis - Stock Trading & Investing Method



Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

Wyckoff Method

The Wyckoff method is used extensively in the service as it complements Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis method and will improve on your understanding of price and volume behaviour within major and minor trading ranges, and so can be especially useful when a stock is a Stage 1 - which is an accumulation base before the stock goes into a Stage 2 advancing phase (markup) or in Stage 3 top - which is a distribution base before a stock falls into the Stage 4 declining phase (markdown)

Price Cycle


Accumulation: Wyckoff Events & Phases 


Distribution: Wyckoff Events & Phases 


You can read a detailed overview on stockcharts here: Wyckoff Method Overview


Anatomy of a Trading Range by Jim Forte

Another good primer of what the Wyckoff method is about I'd recommend reading this brief article from the MTA Journal (1994) called Anatomy of a Trading Range by Jim Forte

.pdf   AnatomyofaTradingRange.pdf (Size: 314.38 KB / Downloads: 1,219)


The Three Skills of Top Trading

The Wyckoff Methodology in Depth

Wyckoff 2.0: Structures, Volume Profile and Order Flow

Trades About to Happen: A Modern Adaptation of the Wyckoff Method


Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

RE: Resources


Fate does not always let you fix the tuition fee. She delivers the educational wallop and presents her own bill - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

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